Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Happy Birthday, Karen Jane!

Happy Birthday to one of my BFFL (best friends for life), Karen Jane. (Technically, her birthday is on the 14th, tomorrow. BUT, it's already tomorrow over in Scotland, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)

Pictured here are two lovely ladies. The one on the right, Karen Jane, is one of my best friends. The one on the left, Sandra McCracken, is someone who I want to be best friends with :-). Anyhow, this photo was taken back in January when Karen and Philip went to see Derek and Sandra at an Edinburgh show. (Note: Karen is about 7 months pregnant in this picture.)
Here are some things you should know about Karen:
  • She loves pink (and that is why I'm writing in the pinkest font color I could find here on blogger)
  • She is very clean and organized
  • Apparently, she is funnier than me and Philip (she is very funny)
  • She can teach you how to play the guitar in one hour
  • She is a great whisperer
  • She is a great correspondant (probably the best EVER...I got TWO letters this very week from her!)
  • She's super creative
  • She's a great listener
  • She's a great encourager
  • She's incredibly giving
  • She laid back, easy going, and spontaneous (especially compared to me)
  • She's super thoughtful
  • She can sew...well
  • She's adventurous and has encouraged me when I lit my first match and tasted my first drop of alcohol
  • She sings beutifully
  • She doesn't like Felicity and I don't hold that against her
  • She never Shhh's me and puts up with my enthusiasm (thanks, Karen)
  • She (and Philip) had the most fun wedding ever (and she has had the most attendants ever)
  • She remembers things I tell/write her (which is greatly appreciated)
  • She used to tape Dawson's Creek each week so that she could watch it without commericial interruptions
  • She made me the best mixed tape EVER
  • She's more fun than most everyone put together!
  • She's 28 today!

Karen is the kind of friend you want a million of, but the truth is, she's one in a million! Her friendship has blessed me so much. There really aren't words to tell you what her friendship has meant to me over these last 10 years. My heart is full. I'm lucky.


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