Monday, October 11, 2004

The Remarkable Internet

I've returned for quite a journey (when I fell silent for quite a few days, did you wonder where I had gone?). I will very soon write of my adventures (which will include a recount of the best concert in the entire world). But now I will turn my focus upon the remarkable internet.

If you're a faithful reader of mine, you might recall the fairly recent post about my beloved Radio Flyer. In that post I recalled some fond memories of my very first best friend, Selina Lugtu. WOULD YOU BELIEVE THAT AFTER 16 YEARS, WE ARE NOW BACK IN TOUCH?! Apparently, a co-worker of hers stumbled upon my blog, caught sight of her name, emailed her the link, and voila...we've been reunited.

And yet the remarkableness of the internet continutes...

Sitting in a church on Friday evening (I was in the front row awaiting the Derek/Sandra concert to begin) I overheard some talk about college football. Being the UM alum that I am, I couldn't resist turning around and announcing that UM pretty much rules. Well, the people who were talking directed my attention to an FSU alum (UM and FSU are pretty much rivals...not as bad as UF and FSU though). I instantly recognized this FSU grad and asked her name. She replied, "Carla." To which I responded, "Oh my gosh! I go to your blog!" Now, this is kind of crazy...but I had linked to her blog from someone else's blog and it turns out that Carla's former roomie is the Alisa that I have linked in my sidebar. HOW STRANGE IS THIS?! (and, the reason I recognized Carla is because recently on her blog she photo-documented the dying of her hair)

Here's to you, Oh Great and Remarkable Internet!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you are back to posting again, and you just figured out Alisa and Carla were roommates? :-)

8:16 PM  

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